Tuesday, December 14, 2010

interesting and unique ways to get fired...by Newl

I just got note that my unemployment is running out...not out totally, but you know, i just moved to tier 2... and guess what that means. I only got 6 months left on this baby. ( in tier 2 at least) In order to get more government assistance I either need to get pregnant and have a baby in the next 6 months OR get a job and forgo govt assistance.  And, I guess the whole  procreating in 6 months so I can be on welfare and have a premature baby doesnt really sound like the "responsible" option.

So in memorium of my half year unemployment anniversary (its gone by faar too quickly!)  I will recount how I got fired/ let go ( it was actually because I didn't brush my hair-- this conversation was had months earlier. But not brushing my hair was the cited reason i was fired.) NOTE: This convo is a real G-chat at work conversation.

4:45 PM me: i feel like my boss is going to fire me because i have messy hair today*
4:47 PM Jeffy: I have a brush you can borrow, in the future
 me: hahaha
 Jeffy: one I don't use and you could even call your own :)
 me: i think brushing your hair makes it messier.
4:48 PM whatever i dont think bad hair day discrimination is fair
 Jeffy: no, it certainly isn't, especially when the face underneath is so pleasant
4:49 PM like a bird's nest perched in a gorgeous oak tree
 me: bird nest
4:50 PM Jeffy: boyd's nest
4:52 PM me: my eyes are so closed she [my boss] might think i am on drugs
4:54 PM Jeffy: you're livin well, it's important to show it :P
4:56 PM me: she [my boss] got mad at me because i dont like to file.
  its true. i dont.
4:57 PM Jeffy: oh good lord, who does?!
 me: i guess i just need to find a better place to hide it [all of the built up stuff I never filed, which i just left on my desk in folder conspicuously labled: TO FILE]
 Jeffy: you need an assistant to do it for you
4:58 PM me: she [my boss] is like "why dont you do it right away???!?! it looks so messy! you are not organized!"
  um, i am like "well, have i gotten the correct document to you every single time you asked for it?"
5:00 PM Jeffy: haha, well that's the key ain't it?
5:02 PM me: and also i guess i told her and someone else also told her that i just like to wait until i have a pile and then i do it all at once
  this is much more efficient
  and it IS more efficient.
5:06 PM Jeffy: you think you could win a filing efficiency contest with your method?
  I'd like to see a filing showdown

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