Monday, November 23, 2009

Recession dinner...

there are REally less options for dinner when you arent living large. SO:why dont you cook something. or better yet, go over to a friends house who cooks. Now this may take a little more planning but- sometimes.....its good to become friends with people with some sort of actual domestic life skills.

Also a good friend to have is someone who always has good snacks. .... just sayin'.

Speaking for myself, and only myself, I have very little patience... and I am generally only feeding myself, so I generally try to use the least amount of ingredients possible.

It has led me to some FABULOUS low calorie recipies:
bok choi
brussel sprouts
i just microwave for a minute to a minute and a half ( or better yet press the "vegetable button" on the microwave), and squeeze lemon juice.  Add a dash of salt and pepper, or for a more interesting effect low sodium soy sauce and you have yourself a MEAL.

FREE music downloads? yes!

if you like up and coming bands on independent labels you should obvi check out Rcrdlbl

its a great site where you can download FREE music. and music should like so be FREE anyways, because putting a price on music is similar to putting a price on LOVE.

also if you google bands they will put you to myspace music and then give you a tiny little pop out player where you can listen to music. which is SO much better than those stupid like 30 seconds that itunes gives you. i want the WHOLE song. hallow!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lovely Day is now open. also There are a lot of sales going on NOWW...

Lovely Day, aka the beatrice of restaurants is now open. Please go there for cheap thai food. its also painfully cool . which helps you feel cool too.

another good thing about being Yob-less, you can really catch up on magazine reading.

In other news. lots of good sales going on. Uniqlo, the row sample sale.. nad hopefully that saks sale i love so muchhhhh. and by the way potatosack princess..... dont fret. there are lots of positive things about this situation, you just have to learn to enjoy them.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

i am at KINKOS. FML.

kinkos SUUUUCKs. the laziest people work here. like even I could get a job here, but, I probably cant... its so competitive these days.

anyhow. EVERYONE here is working on work stuff. Everyone is printing resumes and what not. unemployed UNITE!

Now the question you should be asking is why the hell am I posting this when time is so expensive at kinkos-- it is 30Cents per minute of internet/ use of a computer to be exact. Well, its because i have a TIp!

save your money and bring your own laptop.... its MUCH cheaper. an hour for 6$. actually I cant do math but i figure i paid the freeking 6$, I am going to use it.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Go outside & get some Vitamin D!!!! It's FREE! Woo!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Run to Union Square NOW if you want $300 haircut for $0

No Job? Free haircuts!

10am to 5pm TODAY (Monday, November 9th) is FREE HAIRCUT day! Cristiano Cora Studio, a high-end "artistic hair atelier" near Union Square is offering free haircuts to UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE! CALL NOW for your appointment! Ph: 212.414.1333 or email Pia Vivas

(In the interest of FULL DISCLOSURE: I'm actually NOT going to this, because tv shows are FILMING for the news, and I'm kinda embarrassed to be seen at this event).

The salon is located at: 3 W 13th Street 2nd floor New York, NY 10011

A Golden Lining . . .

Or should I say "Tan"? Turns out the unemployed have a health benefit over office workers beyond the lack of stress . . . Those hours in the sun, walking to the grocery store, gym, or taking the dog for a stroll, give you something ESSENTIAL that is also FREE: Vitamin D! According to recent studies, increased intake of Vitamin D have been tied to lower incidence of cancer (i.e. 30% less chance of breast and prostate cancer!) and more also a decrease of both fatigue and muscle aches. The average American diet provides far fewer levels of Vitamin D than is currently recommended by the NIH and doctors. A natural source of Vitamin D is sunlight! So frolic in the sun my unemployed friends! You'll do better in those interviews, with all that increased energy, and you'll look better, too! But most importantly people, you will have good health. Na Zdoroviye!

More on vitamin D: Overview, Yogurt with Vitamin D, A Doctor's View

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Folgers Isn't Good?

I have a friend visiting from California and she just informed me that Folger's isn't good coffee. I told her, "but there's gold on the label, and it's so cheap!" Ok, there you have it ..... it's so inexpensive! I love it! Not only am I saving money by having homemade coffee instead of Dunkin' or Starbucks, I'm saving A LOT of money! $3 for a pound of Folgers, versus $10 for a pound of Starbucks. So there are 52 weeks in the year: That's a savings of $364!!!! Holler at Folgers! I love you no matter what anyone says.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Get free stuff: Hitting the Party Circuit!

One of the BEST things about being "sans boulot" or a nouveau poor is the fact that you can go out and party! On the week nights. If you go to the good parties you can get a lot of decent favors.

My favorite favors thus far have been:
- a pomegranate lip balm
-face wash
-a free week at equinox
-free week at pure yoga
-a tote bag
-no offense, Whitney Studio Party, but the stupid Versace post cards I got at the event were worthless to me
-I also got a baseball cap
-some free tee shirts

all these things are good and fair, but when are they going to give the things I really need at these parties... 

such as:
-biore pore nose strips
-paying my phone bill
-free laptop computer
-and an infinite spa day.... I can use whenever,  multiple times.

Anyhow, I hope to become famous so that I will get better gifts at parties.

SOLUTION: Potatosack Princess, Actually, there IS such a thing as a Free Lunch....

For "ze" unemployed....lunch can be a free thing. But you need to know where to go. I recommend using what I like to call the Starbucks/ Dean and Deluca/ d'Espana/ Whole foods/Gourmet Garage sample circut.  I even have created an entire diet around samples, but it is for working people. Its called the Grand Central diet, and it is based around the samples that are found in the Grand Central Market Hall. I will cut and paste it here... Later on, when I dont have more pressing things to do like get ready to go out tonight. obvi.

At Starbucks you can get a venti hot water, this curbs hunger, or if you carry a tea bag around in your purse, you can transform it into tea. Voila!

At Dean and Deluca (Soho) you can get tiny slices of bread, generally different kinds.  They are in baskets.

At D'Espana, its like a sample heaven, they have tiny cubes of cheese, and also different kinds of dips and even a dessert and some meat ( for carnivores).  If you have read French Women Dont Get Fat ( and if you havent, it really should be in your reading list) you know that portion control is one of the keys to thinness. If you only eat these samples as your meals you will be thin in NO time at all!

Whole foods is okay with samples....sometimes there are beaucoup samples, sometimes RIEN!   I generally try to nibble from the salad bar, but I always pray that the whole foods police wont catch me, and then I may have to go to the whole foods prison. Or worse yet be banned from whole foods for life. Sidenote: I wonder if being in whole foods prison would affect my "character and fitness" component of my bar application. Um remind me why I decided to work/not work in an "ethical" profession?!!?

So, in conclusion, yes PP, there IS such a thing as a free lunch.

Sans Boulot --Mais Je Voudrais Achete Quelque Chose? BoN MArcHE! SoLDES! J'ADoRe!!AAgeheheh!!!!

its the Henri Bendel Friends and Family Sale Bitchezz. And you know how much Newl loves the Soldes. I probably cant afford anything, even with the discount. But this seems cool. For people with disposable income. xoxo.

Silver Lining

Restaurants and even "gourmet" grocery stores like Whole Foods are off limits these days, but on the bright side I've never eaten so little! Today the clock struck 5pm and I found that all I'd eaten was a slice of farmstand-bought whole wheat bread and a few grapes. Bad economy may mean cute little figure for this girl! (hoping this will lead to free dinners . . . ;-) ).

Nobody's Hiring, Everyone's Firing

You know the economy is bad when you search the job listings websites and the only available job you're qualified for is the friggin' Armed Services!!!! Oh and p.s., you have a law degree.

Cleaning House=Cleaning office

I took a vyvanse today, its an especially powerful type of adderall.  It was the first time in a long time i took one of these bad boys, but i am convinced it is the wave of the future. I am typing 80 wpm on gchat. I cleaned my entire room.  I even called the guy to pick up my laundry ( well actually I didnt do that, but I will!) And I am listening to Alicia Keys... I dont know how this fits in the productivity range, but I feel like she is an accomplished individual. I keep inspiring myself, its really miraculous!

and in other news I have started a business. This is like being unemployed, but really a productive unemployed individual...with the potential of making money.  But at least now I can say I am an entrepeneur. Its really too bad I don't have health insurance, so that someone else could pay for my productivity/ that was my last pill! eff.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Only Way to Keep Track of Time

When you're unemployed the only way to keep track of days of the week is by television shows? Not even! I just spent 10 min flipping out over the disappearance of GLEE from my television, only to realize after several searches that it isn't Wednesday. It really takes forever for Wednesday to come when every day is Saturday. ;-)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Things You Dont Say Until You Dont Have a Job...

"I wish I had a printer."
"Mailing a letter is really difficult."

ex work email...

From: PotatosackPrincess
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 3:43 PM
To: PotatosackPrincess's Former Boss
Subject: credit card

Hi Former Boss,

I just remembered that I have a Company American Express card.  Should I send it to you, or just cut it up?


From: Former Boss
Date: Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 4:16 PM
Subject: RE: credit cardTo: PotatosackPrincess

Hi – you can just cut it up.  Thanks.

Former Boss

Pour Etre Belle: Le Duane Reade Manicure

In the case where you are either in a pinch for time, or perhaps just need a nail polish refresher my manicure of choice is the Duane Reade Manicure, it costs nothing!

Just use Sally Hansen Insta Dry Fast Dry Nail Color.  It dries in 60 seconds and looks pretty decent, just don't touch anything for a while....

Comment va dit: Free Wireless?!

Why, oh why, is finding free wireless such a pain in the derriere? Je ne sais pas.

Apparently S-bucks charges a 5$ fee to use their wireless network for seulment 2 hours a day.  But it lasts for a month...
Thankfully we have found a solution....

Cafe Mocha
116 2nd Avenue
New York, NY 10003 

Positive Points include... only a 5$ credit card minimum. And, no maximum number of hours for how long you can use their wireless, but there is a minimum $4 purchase to get you on the network....looks like Newl just saved you a DOLLAR! ( unless you use a credit card...or want to use the internet for more than a day.)   Also, its located very close to where Agyness Dean and many other models live, so at least there is people watching straight off the pages of Vogue. Magnifique!